15 Awesome Developer Home Workstations

15 Awesome Developer Home Workstations


2 min read

Work from home is part of our lives now. This is probably where we spend most of our time, and we deserve an upgrade! I collected some of the latest dev workstations to get some inspiration for my own workstation upgrade. Here are the results -- enjoy!

1. The "Couples Who Code" workstation

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2. The "B&W" workstation

Alt Text Made by Berlony

3. The "Work Hard Play Hard" workstation

Alt Text Made by Diamonddog4

4. The "Neck Pain" workstation

Alt Text Made by EkkoJun

5. The "Bookworm" workstation

Alt Text Made by v1dal

6. The "Self-Surveillance" workstation

Alt Text Made by Warat Wongmaneekit

7. The "Visionary" workstation

Alt Text Made by ChicagoProper

8. The "Nature Boy" workstation

Alt Text Made by EvanBarbour

9. The "Practical Dev" workstation

Alt Text Made by ncktyler

10. The "Productivity God" workstation

Alt Text Made by sukisogreat

11. The "Ambient Light" workstation

Alt Text Made by flobernd

12. The "Xbox-First" workstation

Alt Text Made by mburn14

13. The "there's gotta be something wrong with that guy's" workstation

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14. The "keep it simple" workstation

Alt Text Made by Jokosmash

15. The "Not enough screen space" workstation

Alt Text Made by berzemus

Which one did you like the most? Comment below ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฝ

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